Friday, May 17, 2013

Hitler vs Mother Teresa

A man capable of killing 6 million Jews in vain is one who was difficult to find someone of equal opposite. Yet it was ever so obvious since this person was one many of us have heard about. Mother Teresa dedicated herself to better the world. Mother Teresa showed compassion for those who were less fortunate than she was. She gave them food, lifted their spirits, and helped them survive. She established hospices and hospitals for the sick and dying, starting in Calcutta, India. She opened up orphanages all around the world. She started "The Missionaries of Charity" in 1950 to love and care for those persons nobody was prepared to look after in Calcutta, helping people in the slums. She believed in God and did most of her work in his name, promoting Christianity. So, unlike Hitler,  Mother perfectly displayed selflessness and devotion and we must follow her good-hearted nature to make the world that much better. Mother won this battle for sure.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen

Baz Luhrmann's song "Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen" has given very true advice that will certainly help many. He has directed his song towards young people who are about to sail on the big ship of life. One of my favorite lines in his song was when he said, "Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements." You shouldn't dwell on the depressing things in life. Instead, you should always look at the things that make life happier. I will certainly follow the song's advice when it said, "Don't mess too much with your hair." So do not dye your hair a zillion different colors because you are harming yourself. Take care of your hair, love it, and be gentle with it. "Or by the time you're 40 it will look 85." Life moves fast, but that doesn't mean you have to be reckless. Advice I would give many would be to take life as it is given. Everything that happens is for a reason. There is no need to get hung up on anything. Just figure out what your net move is going to be and proceed.
Don't forget to wear sunscreen!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What Is Worth Knowing?

What Is Worth Knowing? I asked myself this question a countless number of times until I came to the realization that you must know your yourself before anything. Nobody can teach you how to look in your inner self and see your limitations, desires, and everything that makes you, you. Knowing your mental,emotional, and physical limitations can save you a lot of pain and misery. Lets say you run track, its important to know when you have to slow down so you don't injure yourself. It's good to know how long you can study without you hurting yourself. Knowing how much bad or good news you can take in can save you a lot of metal agony. So, before you try learning about the vast, complicated world, try knowing yourself because its more complex then you have ever reilized and thats the most valable thing.