Saturday, November 3, 2012


Grades. What is the purpose of them? They are for administrative purposes, to give students feedback about their progress and achievement, to provide guidance to students about future course work, to provide guidance to teachers for instructional planning, and to motivate students.

What about the system of grading? The traditional 100 point system has been most effective and efficient, in my opinion. The system uses grades that are based on a 100 point system would be easy to convert into a fraction or decimal. Yet, the traditional grading doesn't distinguish the overachievers since the maximum number of points that could be given is 100. So we should continue the system we are currently using. Yet if we can be adjust it into having a bonus point section, then we can see which students are going above and beyond.

The traditional system consists of:

A= Advanced Proficient

B= Above Average

C= Average

D= Below Average

F= Fail

The Creativity Crisis

I have recently read an article on The Creativity Crisis in America. The main point of the article is about how Americans are losing their creativeness and how. Creativity is the production of something original and useful. If you see our progress now, we are not being as creative as how we were in the 60s-90s. From 2000- till now, Americans have been doing everything straight out of a book.