Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thinking deeper about First Amendment rights

Did you ever wonder about the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
Did questions like: "Does law over take religion?" or , "When does the government interfer with your rights?" Well I'm no expert but I will do my best to answer. Hopefully, I be able to help some of you.

Which types of speech are not protected by the First Amendment?
Although different scholars view unprotected speech in different ways, there are basically eight categories:
  • Obscenity
  • Fighting words
  • Defamation (includes libel, slander)
  • Perjury
  • Blackmail
  • Incitement to imminent lawless action
  • True threats
  • Solicitations to commit crimes
Some experts also would add treason, if committed verbally, to that list. Plagiarism of copyrighted material is also not protected.

Are public school students required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

Public school are not required to do so as from 1943 onwards. The decision was made by the West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, the U.S. Supreme Court whi have determined that the First Amendment protects a student’s right not to engage in certain speech. Also, the high court extended the reach of the First Amendment to also prohibit the government from compelling speech.

Did the Supreme Court decide that there can be no book censorship in public school libraries?

Not exactly. The Court ruled that books could not be removed from a public school library unless they were educationally unsuitable or “pervasively vulgar.” The ruling did not extend to the acquisition of books — leaving schools to decide which books they would purchase.

May students pray or discuss religion in public schools?

Yes, students have the right to pray and discuss religion in school. Yet, teachers, principals, or administrators are not allowed to force them to pray.
This does not mean that students have an unfettered right to speak on religious subjects. Students can be punished for interrupting class time for any type of speech. Also, school officials can make sure that students are not speaking to a captive audience or harassing others by overzealously advocating their religious beliefs.
Thank you First Admendent!

To answer more of your questions about our rights/freedom please click here or here.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Grades. What is the purpose of them? They are for administrative purposes, to give students feedback about their progress and achievement, to provide guidance to students about future course work, to provide guidance to teachers for instructional planning, and to motivate students.

What about the system of grading? The traditional 100 point system has been most effective and efficient, in my opinion. The system uses grades that are based on a 100 point system would be easy to convert into a fraction or decimal. Yet, the traditional grading doesn't distinguish the overachievers since the maximum number of points that could be given is 100. So we should continue the system we are currently using. Yet if we can be adjust it into having a bonus point section, then we can see which students are going above and beyond.

The traditional system consists of:

A= Advanced Proficient

B= Above Average

C= Average

D= Below Average

F= Fail

The Creativity Crisis

I have recently read an article on The Creativity Crisis in America. The main point of the article is about how Americans are losing their creativeness and how. Creativity is the production of something original and useful. If you see our progress now, we are not being as creative as how we were in the 60s-90s. From 2000- till now, Americans have been doing everything straight out of a book.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Learning Style and Intelligence Tests

In Rogate class we were told to take two tests. One was by Gardner and the other was Gregorc. In the Gregorc test I found out that I was an abstract sequential learner. Now you all must be thinking: "What is an abstract sequential learner?" Don't worry because I'm going to tell you. An abstract sequential learner likes to think of problems in a logical matter. What makes sense to them is using exact, well-researched information, learning more by watching than doing, logical reasoning, a teacher who is an expert in his/her subject, the world of abstract ideas, and taking time to work through an issue thoroughly. So I learned that I in order for me to fully understand a concept I have to look at it logically. The Gardener intelligence test results say that I'm logical, mathematical. I learned that I am able to interpret logical situations. This can help me by knowing how to approach real life problems the best way I can.


My mom's learning style would probably be abstract random. This is because my mom likes to look at and make her own diagrams to understand new concepts. My mom likes to express to others what she learns. My mom's intelligence would most likely fall under the category of spatial. She likes to working and creating new creative puzzles, drawings and paintings when she has time.


I believe my dad's learning style would be abstract sequential because he talks only logic and only listens to logic. Plus my dad's intelligence would be logical, mathematical since he is great at mathematical problems. He also likes going to planetariums and science museums, as do I.


I think that if Steve Jobs took the Gregorc test then he would have gotten the concrete sequential group. This is because he had a huge imagination and risk takings when he developed Apple products. Plus he was intelligent and creative enough to design the actual creation. For the Gardner test I would believe he would have been in the linguistic or interpersonal category because he liked making speeches and bouncing off other people's ideas.


Bye for now! ^_^ 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Ups & Downs and Myths of Being Gifted

Gifted. What does it mean? Does it mean that you are a child prodigy and is the best at everything you do? Or that you don't have to work as hard as others and everything just comes to you. Well they're myths. True a gifted child is well beyond average in one or more areas but there are disadvantages to. Now I know that you must be thinking: WHAT IS WRONG WITH BEING GIFTED!!! Most people don’t realize it but gifted children are at a huge disadvantage compared to the majority. They are usually the ones who are bullied and mocked about their intelligence. I do not doubt that for many gifted students along with their intellectual ability come issues such as not being able to fit in with the crowd and making social relationships. They are also at a risk of denying their intelligence because all of these factors. Plus, they are also frequently OBSESED with being a perfectionist. Sometimes gifted children are even pushed too hard, harming the child. Yet, of course, there are advantages of being gifted. There are many more doors opened to make sure you excel. Surely your parents and family will be so proud of you!!! You are put into advanced classes, impressing collages. Collages will recognize gifted children, giving you a bump up. Regular school classes will be easy for you and you will zoom right through the curriculum keeping you a class topper! Awards are presented to those who show that they are advanced proficient in one or more subjects.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

About Me!!!!

Hey! My name is Shivani and I'm in the 8Th grade. My favorite subjects are math and science. I love  dancing, swimming, and running. Out of school I like learning the piano. In my free time I like to hang out with my friends & family. When I grow up I want to be a doctor or a dancer! What makes me happy is knowing that everything is okay and functioning properly. During summer I like going snorkeling in the Florida Keys. Did you know that the keys have some real rare coral reefs? Well, bye for now!!!